Storytelling in business

Great communicators know the power of storytelling to connect with and motivate people. It is a universal language that we all learned as children and understand intuitively as adults.

This course explores how to use the power of storytelling in a business context.

The course is divided into three parts:

Part one:

  • Your organisation’s story; what it tells you about the company and how it resonates with your clients
  • How to use storytelling to motivate and inspire
  • Choosing which story to tell

Part two:

  • Choosing the best structure for your story
  • Tailoring your story to your audience’s needs
  • Mining your own experience
  • Keeping the story simple and including the right amount of detail
  • Creating a story from data driven content

Part three:

  • Using the physical tools, and voice, to engage imagination and bring the story alive
  • Delivering your story